
Music Covers and The Influence therein

Before online streaming, music covers were a sacred object many music and art lovers cherished and collected.

This square image painted a picture that reflected the songs you were listening to. Today, there has been some sort of disorientation. Owing to streaming platforms, where music is easily released. Thus, album or music covers have been reduced to a small square that barely illustrates the feel of the music.

The artwork is as important as the sound in sync. The former must capture the identity of the latter, intriguing potential listeners to the record. It plays an important part when it comes to patronage of your music and promoting it. It might not be the same as it was yesteryears but it still carries a powerful form of representing the musician and his music. This should be taken into consideration for each piece of music (single), an artiste releases.

So why not give as much attention to the artwork as you do when making your music? No matter what type of music you create, people might have a first impression of how the music might sound by looking at the artwork. The artwork is a vital space to grab people’s attention and tell a story of the single or album. This one image can lead the right people to your music and turns casual listeners into your fans. However, an inaccurate image may hurt your sales.

Your album cover represents your music. And it is not just for that moment of your latest release but also becomes part of your branding. It may be a perception of what people expect to see when they visit your social media profile or your website. Even though music is the ultimate representation of a musician, there still needs to be a visual element to it.

As the saying goes thus, a picture speaks a thousand words. So the next time you release a single or an album, make sure you take time to consider the outlook of your music cover. As it ought to reflect the quality of your music.

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